20101016內湖康樂山&柿子山10/16(六) rainy and cloudy day~ 8:30於MRT大湖公園站1號出口集合後徒步上山 路線說明~全程3~3.5小時親山路線(參考),途經內溝溪生態館~注意事項:請自備點心,記得帶酒店兼職親山護照蓋章喔!participants are:Leader:John Manager:Annie Naoki雨軒 Vic 蚯蚓+lulu璐璐 Joyce Charlee阿詮Stewart世哲Hana小花ㄚ胖宗杰Dato大頭Bill張嘉津盈智Gin鍋貼+warwick阿威Steven大訂做禮服焜+Raymond孟範Total:20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Our leader John is always there for handling everything possible and impossible!Follow him into wild Natural every Saturday ARMANIdoes refresh our mind after a long long week!每周六跟著無所不能ㄟ社長踏青  真是最讓人放鬆ㄟ時刻啦!Their combination looked like Taiwan traditional character~這兩人ㄟ結合好像電室內設計音三太子喔It took not long to get the print of the HikingPass.(Dato!PLS behave yourself....)沒多久就蓋到章囉!(後面那位請控制一下.....)Hiking was soon finished at 12:1012:10就結束踏房屋貸款青行程囉!Thanks to steven took us to eat yummy dumplings and noodles搭281公車至南港高工下車去嗑北大荒大水餃~(感謝大焜帶路)Don't forget to company with delicious appetizer~可不開幕活動能錯過小菜捏!nice Charlee brought us to buy tasty pineapple cake~Address:台北市民生東路五段36巷4弄1號1樓  (02)2760-0508人好好ㄟ阿詮設計裝潢帶大夥去買微熱山丘鳳梨酥 then enjoyed a wonderful afternoon tea 前往富錦街的朵兒咖啡館喝個下午茶~we took "Roller Coaster" home by 22:00after eating all kinds of food in Linjiang 酒店兼職Street Night Market 逛完通化夜市 坐雲霄飛車於22:00前回到家囉!kind of upset after saying if needed I could write an English journal for our new friend from Australia......Anyway, 開幕活動deal is deal~I had done my best~thank u 說要寫個英文社誌獻給"澳客"後開始有點懊惱....好像挖洞給自己跳喔>//<不過要在江湖上混 說到就要做到(握)已經盡力了以上報告完畢謝謝大太平洋房屋家!溜~

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